jueves, 25 de julio de 2013


Hi again bloggers, when I was a child, maybe eleven, I used to watch The Simpsons, I like this TV programme until today, obviously you know it, it’s about a city, springfield, that represent the North American society. This yellow characters get involved in many adventures that use to be funny. I’m not sure when the Simpsons were created, but was more than twenty years. I enjoyed this serial because it very simple and funny, but at the same time it have a deep sense, in one side is homer doing the things bad again and again and in the other side is Lisa trying to make the world a better place. I don’t know why Simpsons are yellow, maybe it’s a symbol a a sick society considering all the people part of the problem. I used to say that Lisa is my favorite character, however Mr. Burns make me laugh a lot, he is the icon of the fascism, the capitalism, the busyness man, the evil, etc; while he’s only a week old man without true friends, except Smithers, who love him. The theme song is unforgettable, possibly anyone who played a piano have played this theme, many bands and ensembles had made versions. I consider Matt Groening and her stuff genius, many people say that the program is worser and worser, but I see a interesting aspect any time y see a chapter again.


martes, 23 de julio de 2013

Hi readers, today I’m writing a resume of blogging this semester. Writing in my blog this semester didn't was the funniest thing I done, however it was really helpful to practice my written English. The post I liked more was the one of the sculpture because I wrote about I truly thought without taking out concepts by don’t knowing how to wrote. I enjoyed the blogs in general, I don't have a favorite one yet because I do this activity for learning only. I fell that my English it's a little bit better now, but I've to study more to develop it considerably. Internet, could meet people that it’s impossible to meet in other way, but this kind of communication is so poor because kinesical language is eliminated in blogs and the concentration of the reader could not be the best because the reader use to check many websites at the same time. Direct communication is richer than digitalized because all the events, environment, context, movements, expressions, gestures and attention is the same in each person at the moment of talking, so I try to don’t talk about important personal things by internet, to know better what the other fell and think.

martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

Hi bloggers, I don't know so much about sculptures, but I know one famous work of Damien Hirst, it's "For The Love Of God, 2007". I saw it for the first time on TV, in a documentary about the business of manipulating contemporary art work. For me, this work represents, our society as a death system, the diamonds are the symbol of monetarism, slaves and injustice. Or in another way, we can see this skull of diamonds as the end of our social-political world system, it’s humanity killed by its own ambition and its non ethical way of living. So, of course I like it because I think you can understand it from politics, and then, it's a relevant work for any human. I think this work is better than others because the meaning of the sculpture is really transparent and objective making a criticism of our society. For me, the sense of arts, aren’t to create beautiful things, art must be the sublimation of an idea, emotion, philosophy, political tendency, reflection or something else. Arts must change something in whoever looks for it. But of course beauty is part of the art, in the wide meaning, I only say that it can’t be the most important thing.

martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Pichidangui Beach

Pichindagui is a Chilean beach, you've to ride 3 hours from Santiago to be there. Now, I don't use to go there, but I used to since 8 years ago more less. There you can do many things, ride motorcycles, ride horses, do kayak, kyte-flying, water sky, banano, body board, etc. I don't think that this is the best beach ever... but I went there many summers, so I've good remembers. I think that vacations on beach is a good way to change your habitual activities, it’s a fresh weather in summer, and for that reason you can relax your mind absolutely. I don’t like walking of doing sports much as swimming in the sea. When I was younger, I swan all the day without interruptions, I was fascinated by the waves, so been there was really funny.  I remember one summer when I carried my bike, I needed to fix the wheels more than five times, but I visited all the streets, or almost all. And the last activity is not a quality of this beach, but meditate seeing the sea horizon could connect yourself with deep thoughts and feelings, I wish you try. Visit Pichidangui, it’s a great place to be.

martes, 9 de abril de 2013

My ambition is becoming a composer, now I’m studying composition but then I want to do the master of composition in Paris conservatory or another school of music, Stuttgart Scholl of music for example. Where I study isn’t really important, but of course it’s really helpful to know every day different points of view. That implies searching and developing my musical language, that now I think it’s close to the microtonal spectralism, it means consider natural harmonic as the constitutive element of pitches structures. I want to do it because creating music is the activity I like most, it includes philosophy, creativity, technique, emotion and politics (in the general sense). Is an activity that could bring you a full sense of life, I’ve composed and performed in concert many works, so this experience make me feel that I’m doing the things in the good way. My ambition is inspired in the love for creating; of course many composers exist whose work I admire but I don’t think that composing is an activity that finish, for me, composing it’s a sense, a way of living. I hope you search contemporary classical music, there’s a huge world of music waiting for you.