martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

Hi bloggers, I don't know so much about sculptures, but I know one famous work of Damien Hirst, it's "For The Love Of God, 2007". I saw it for the first time on TV, in a documentary about the business of manipulating contemporary art work. For me, this work represents, our society as a death system, the diamonds are the symbol of monetarism, slaves and injustice. Or in another way, we can see this skull of diamonds as the end of our social-political world system, it’s humanity killed by its own ambition and its non ethical way of living. So, of course I like it because I think you can understand it from politics, and then, it's a relevant work for any human. I think this work is better than others because the meaning of the sculpture is really transparent and objective making a criticism of our society. For me, the sense of arts, aren’t to create beautiful things, art must be the sublimation of an idea, emotion, philosophy, political tendency, reflection or something else. Arts must change something in whoever looks for it. But of course beauty is part of the art, in the wide meaning, I only say that it can’t be the most important thing.

2 comentarios:

  1. I´ve never saw this sculture before but i´m agree with you post :)

  2. Hi

    Also I agree with the concept and the message, but equal would not have a sculpture thus in my house, do not i they like the skulls jajaj

